Day 9 Pacing Yourself in Gratitude

"Life is a marathon, not a sprint; pace yourself accordingly." --Andy Burfoot

As I woke from a long, deep sleep this morning, it became clear to me that it was time to pace myself better. From what I'm observing, hearing, and reading from others, we have reached a fever pitch on an emotional rollercoaster ride, a ride that is far from over. Perhaps it's time to take a break or plan for some time to decompress and unwind from the pace we've been on as we make major shifts in the way we are living life. In a time of great uncertainty, one of the main things many of us want is to know. To know something for certain. The problem with wanting to know something before the way is made clear, is it's not yet time. 

Think back to other times of uncertainty in your life, and you'll perhaps recall how you wanted certainty when there was none to be found. This is one of those times, however now we're all in this together. At times through this process, it's going to be important to find ways to change our pace and slow down enough to recuperate, regenerate, and relax. For us, all in different places and situations, what I've observed is everyone rushing to fill in the gaps. Figuring our how to continue working, getting families, pets, and selves fed and schooled and taken care of. And then to engage and reach out in an effort to 'help' or meet a need. And all of this is good. Good as long as we don't wear ourselves out before we've rounded the first bend. 

Having been through prolonged periods of uncertainty before, I understand the importance of finding our pace and tempering our levels of emotional and physical exertion.  Notice where you've run out of steam or where you thrown yourself into a task or project recently, and check in with yourself and maybe those who make up your family or support system, and see where you find yourself. As I began writing this morning, I was well aware that my own body is screaming at me to slow down. My writing hand and arm are suffering because of overwork, and the only way it's going to heal, is by my slowing down. 

But, the big 'But", I feel committed to do this daily posting. So carefully I set myself up and vowed to take it easy. As I began to write, my big ole tomcat, Frederico, climbed up in my lap, plunked himself down, head resting on my chest while filling up my lap, and stayed there for a good 15 minutes or so. What's a gal to do? The gal stopped, and just allowed the time and ourselves to be. Just taking in the beautiful moment, watching the trees sway in the breeze outside. Listening to the crows in their daily morning routine, squawking and flying from rooftops to treetops, shouting good morning to all. We all need to recognize those stopping points, for the rest and relaxation and nourishment of those moments will help sustain us on this journey.

Today may not be the day for you, but keep in mind that when the exhaustion, confusion, or chaos get to be too much, it won't hurt to turn it all off for a while and to take time to just sit and be. One of my favorite times of the day is now when I shower. Water for me is soothing, relaxing, and necessary, so this helps me. Also when I venture out for some fresh air, I make my way to the river or the ocean where I can sit in my solitude and just drink in the river. For some that mean finding your way into the open fields, or up onto a hilltop or mountain top. For others it may be standing under the big sky out in the open desert or up on a bluff on the mesa. We all have a place that brings us back to ourselves, and those are the places we need to seek when we can. My garden is another spot where I find myself, and where I recharge. Wherever the resting stop is for you, make it a regular part of your experienc.

One other thought that I'm overwhelmed with is a feeling of gratitude. I'm not suggesting that there's anything about this pandemic that is good or desired. However, even in the winter of our discontent or sorrow, we find welling up, a sense of thankfulness for whatever it is that is helping sustain us right now. As I was folding the laundry this morning, I thought how thankful I am to be living where I am. Last year at this time I was in the middle of a months long search for a new home. Thanks to the generous and loving actions of a friend, I found this home, just in the nick of time. Had I made any other choice, it would have changed the present reality, and so with gratitude, I thank my friend Sheryl for opening her heart and home so that I am safe and sound. And I can do my laundry and not wonder how I was going to get my clothes cleaned. Lol. Seriously though, we cannot know how changes we have made, willingly or otherwise, are going to have an impact on our lives. So gratitude for a safe, spacious home in a beautiful setting near good friends and family, is such a blessing. 

My gratitude for family and friends and a community of loving and kind people, are the other gifts that make me feel certain, that we're going to get through this challenging time, intact. And we will do that by finding the happy medium between reaching out, offering ourselves, while taking care of ourselves through the process. Some days and weeks will be harder than others, and maintaining vigil by checking in with those we love regularly and checking in with ourselves daily to see how we're doing, will benefit us all. Thinking of you all today, and sending love and good thoughts with a wish. 
My wish for you is to find ways to be grateful for your strengths and forgiving of your weaknesses, and the wisdom to take care of yourself with loving gratitude for what gifts, talents, and peace you do have. 


                                         "If you get tired, learn to rest, don't quit. Pace yourself"

Adopt the pace of Nature; her secret is patience."
--Ralph Waldo Emerson

"He observed confusion and chaos, which I call living 
by one's emotions instead of one's mind." --Anais Nin

"She held in her hands for one brief moment the globe which we spend our lives
trying to shape:  round, whole, entire from the confusion of chaos." --Virginia Woolf


Blessings and grace be yours. 


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