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Day 14 In for the Long Haul

Lily Pond                                                  Catherine Al-Meten Meyers In for the long haul.  I suppose we're all figuring out what that means for us. And many are going out every day, putting themselves and their safety in jeopardy so that we can stay home and stay safe for the times we don't have to be out doing our jobs or taking care of essential business.  Some of us know how to do this because of some of the experiences we've had in the past or may still be coping with, so it's now more important than ever to take care of ourselves and to set a pace for ourselves that will help us maintain our health and well being (body, mind, emotions, spirit).  A model that seems to fit how we're needing to adjust our lives is that of a runner preparing for and running a marathon. The difference between a marathon runner though, and our experience, is that we did not know we'd be needing to do this. It was for many, a big surprise, and I m

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